I mean, essentially, if one thinks of Mama Rose as the vessel of so much gay iconography, not only in the women that have played her but in her blend of desperation, drive, and resilience, who better than Babs? Mama Rose is a tough old queen, and nobody better rain on that bitch's parade!
But more head scratchingly awesome is that Jullian Fellowes is now attached to write. Not even the internet, with it's insane daily production schedule of at least 8,432 "Downton Abbey" + "other pop culture phenomenon" mashup tumblrs, could have predicted this holy marriage of the things I like best: musical theater and upstairs/downstairs period soaps.
So let me be the first (I think) to put this out in the universe: Michelle Dockery would make a kick-ass Louise. We got a little preview of her pipes this season, and she could clearly pull off the vulnerable, quiet "Little Lamb."
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