Alright, so this blog started off about movies, but I think I'm going to expand into talking about TV and theater, too. Because those 3 things all share part of my IMDB (that's short for internet movie data brain). So I will start this foray in boob tube musings with the "Walking Dead" finale. Some thoughts (SPOILERS ahead, danger...also ZOMBIES ahead).
This show refuses to kill off the most unsympathetic, annoying characters and ends by stranding the only character I do care about...gah. First, a recap. The show opens with shots of the areas surrounding the farm (all the way to Atlanta I think), and someone gets on a megaphone and shouts "Attention zombie shoppers, sale on aisle Hershel's farm." After the zombies all consult their internal gps systems they settle on the simplest straight line path for the farm. What?